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notre boutique

En soutenant notre boutique, vous nous aidez à fournir de la nourriture, des cours d'anglais, un logement, un soutien émotionnel et bien plus encore aux membres de notre communauté.

Borderlands Book

From Exclusion to Belonging: a collection of stories, poetry and artwork by Bristol's refugees and asylum seekers. 

Suggested donation from £8 

 Pins: 'Refugees Welcome' and 'Stop Rwanda Flights'


Stand against Rwanda flights and help support asylum seekers and refugees by wearing our pin badges.


*Currently out of stock*

Tote bags: 'No human is illegal'


Share this powerful message with the world, translated into the 12 languages most widely spoken by Borderlands members, with our unique cotton tote bag.

Suggestion donation from £7

Christmas cards


Lovely Christmas cards designed by Borderlands members, refugees and asylum seekers (and printed here in Bristol from fully sustainable forests)!


Multi pack of 5 cards - £5.00

Free Gaza pack of 5 - £5.00 (limited stock)

Souhaitez-vous en obtenir un? Envoie-moi un email!

Marta Reine

administrateur de projet

Borderlands Logo - high resolution.png

Borderlands (South West) Ltd a enregistré le numéro de charité 1143313

01179 040479

Borderlands, The Assisi Centre, Lawfords Gate, Bristol BS5 0RE

Copyright ©  Pays frontaliers. Tous les droits sont réservés.

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